Monday, 15 April 2013

Plane, openings and import materials

15/4/2013 second class of computer application with Mr. Angus

Things have learn today:
1. Create plane
2. opening of windows
3. import materials

 Create plane:
1. draw plane - (modify) edit poly
2. pick soft selection, increase brush size +300, "paint", 'paint deformation', 'push/pull +100'

 create openings:
1.   plane draw object - spline - +outline
2. go to 'top view' create a new shape of window, convert to spline, outline change to 50 and so on
3. element choose 'polygon', extrude it to certain height
4. compound object -  boelean - pick operand B
5. delete the surface of window ---- create openings

import materials:
key in shortcut key 'M', choose the box beside color - bitmap - import pic

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