Monday, 15 April 2013

Plane, openings and import materials

15/4/2013 second class of computer application with Mr. Angus

Things have learn today:
1. Create plane
2. opening of windows
3. import materials

 Create plane:
1. draw plane - (modify) edit poly
2. pick soft selection, increase brush size +300, "paint", 'paint deformation', 'push/pull +100'

 create openings:
1.   plane draw object - spline - +outline
2. go to 'top view' create a new shape of window, convert to spline, outline change to 50 and so on
3. element choose 'polygon', extrude it to certain height
4. compound object -  boelean - pick operand B
5. delete the surface of window ---- create openings

import materials:
key in shortcut key 'M', choose the box beside color - bitmap - import pic

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

First Class

8/4/2013 was the first computer application class with Mr.Angus.
Things we learn on that day:
1. open autocad draw a simple floor plan (using 'pl' draw polyline or "bpoly" to group all single lines tgt)
2. import drawings from autocad to 3ds max
3. added a path way on autocad
4. only import the path way into 3ds max (it should be perfectly orientated tgt with our previous drawing)
5.using 3ds max we able to adjust the angle, plane and so on

*grouping are very important, have to make sure all line are label accordingly (layer)